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Viser innlegg fra september 24, 2011

Rinderpest er utrydda: for andre gong i verdshistoria er ein sjukdom utrydda frå jorda

Under ein sermoni i Roma erklærte FN at for andre gong i verdhistoria er ein sjukdom utrydda frå jorda. Rinderpest. Veterinærar står bak utryddinga, og veterinærars rolle i å sikre human helse er sterkt undervurdert i samfunnet. "The long but little-known campaign to conquer rinderpest is a tribute to the skill and bravery of “big animal” veterinarians, who fought the disease in remote and sometimes war-torn areas — across arid stretches of Africa bigger than Europe, in the Arabian desert and on the Mongolian steppes. “The role of veterinarians in protecting society is underappreciated,” said Dr. Juan Lubroth, chief veterinary officer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , at whose headquarters Tuesday’s ceremony is being held. “We do more than just take care of fleas , bathe mascots and vaccinate Pooch.” Les heile saka her. På sikt er FN ein attraktiv arbeidsplass for meg som veterinær. Men først litt praksis ute i den nordiske felte...