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Viser innlegg fra august 11, 2008

Finland - Oulu - the Finnish language part 2

I was walking in the town of Oulu when I saw this sign. It's a good one, nice picture but hard words. Anyway, I get it . Then I saw this signs. I thaught maybe it ment: DON'T STEP ON THE GREEN STUFF, and kept walking on the roads, but I later was told this was the name of this place. Walking by the beautiful rivers, I saw this sign. It was a lot of mosquitos around, and since this sign was placed along the path, I thought maybe it ment something like WATCH OUT - KILLERFLIES, and stopped to think. Should I dare walking this deadly mosquito-walk? I did take the chance, I am still alive, and was later told Potnapekka is the name of a little train that runs along these small roads. It is also the name of some kind of flie.

Finland - Oulu - the Finnish language part 1

I was walking in the streets of Oulu, Finland, when I met this man. He is made of stone and pretty big, I think he is some kind of famous, but I didn't get it. What is he famous for? Maybe someone can help me. At least, he didn't speak. I went on, trying to find something I could read. That was not easy, but I kind of got the idea that there were some books on the third floor. 3.kerros. I went by the lift to the third floor, and found a lot of newspapers. I still have no idea what happened to Madeleine that day. But then, I found a book in a language I understand, but about a babe I have no intentions to read about. I went back to the lift, down on the street and met some nice Finnish guys at the Jazzfestival. They really made my days. A city where you know no people, is a city without a soul. Now Oulu has a soul, a good one.

Debatt om lokalmediene på P2

På NRK mot Jan Atle Stang Ligg på 30.juli ca klokka ti på sju. Eg vinner debatten!! Katt et agurk i Firda var ei sak som handla om MILJØ! Katt et agurk er ei MILJØSAK?? Hjelpe meg. Det at det i det heile tatt går an å sei at dette er ei miljøsak, seier vel ganske mykje om kunnskapen om miljøproblematikken. Eg forstår ikkje kvar mediene får det frå at eg har utropt Firda til landets dårlegaste avis. Eg har ikkje samanlikna nokon aviser, men kommentert debatten/den kritiske journalistikken i fylket, som er paddeflat, og mange har gått ut og vore enige med meg, så ja, men redaktørane vil tilsynelatande berre tåkebokse og sjølvforsvare seg. Her er ein interessant debatt på P2 om kommentatorenes rolle i etterkant av Torbjørn Rød Isaksen og Audun Lysbakkens artikkel i Samtiden her i vår. Artikkelen var forsåvidt interessant.